Presbyterian Day School - Presbyterian Day School - A private Christian preschool and elementary school for boys in Memphis, TN

Awards Day

Several awards are given out at the conclusion of each year.

Dress Code

At PDS we believe that we represent the school in all that we do, especially in the way we appear for school every day.

Personal Property Responsibility

A lost and found closet is located in the main lobby. Check with the receptionist for more information.

Parent Partnership

PDS needs and expects the positive and sustained cooperation and support of its parents and guardians if we are to be successful in serving our boys and achieving our mission.

AfterCare & Sibling Stay

PDS offers an after-school care program from your son’s class dismissal time until 6:00pm for grades YK–6.

Intramural Athletics

All fourth, fifth, and sixth graders are eligible to participate in the year-round, after-school intramural program. Tackle football is offered in the fall, basketball in the winter,...


Regular and purposeful gatherings form the core of any healthy community; imbuing these sorts of gatherings with a spiritual component is one of the most vital aspects of a boy’s...

Presbyterian Day School (PDS) is a private, Christian preschool and elementary school serving boys from 2-years-old through 6th grade for 75 years.

With our mission of striving to glorify God by developing boys in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man, we take a holistic approach to education, nurturing the heart, soul, mind, and body of each boy.

4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111


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